Demo Blog

Bit more Xenos love.

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

One of the first models I decided I just had to have in my Dark Eldar army was the Razorwing Jetfighter I really like how sleek and deadly it look and how well it ties in the aesthetics with it's craftworld cousins. So here is my rendition of the Razorwing hope you like it as much as I do.

I think the most fun I've had with this miniature is the freehand on the body. I haven't done a huge amount of freehanding on my vehicles before so this was a chance to have a play and I'm quite pleased with the results.

The "glow" coming from the console is achieved in the same way that I do the glowing eyes for my warriors. I'm going to try and post a video detailing how I do this as a couple of people have asked about it and is a useful technique not just for Dark Eldar but I have seen it used to great effect on Marines and Necrons too.
2 comments more...


  • T

    Very nice, one fo the pictures has part of the wing missing, maybe you did the photo too close? Otherwise they are looking really good. If you did a full shot in closeups followed by some detailed shots of the paintwork using super macro mode, that would be very useful to see.
    Happy painting.

  • Gary

    Simply amazing sir. Im so jealous of your work. Do you watch a guy on Youtube by chance? His user name is MarneusAugustaCalgar. He has posted some beautiful Dark Eldar up. His done some of the Razorwings and they are stunning. Might get some ideas from him.

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