Demo Blog


by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

Sorry I haven't posted anything I have been painting it's just currently my photo station has some sort of festive tree on it. I will be putting up pictures soon after Christmas as I will be aquiring a light box and I will show you all I have been painting (mostly Blood Angels as I've restricted buying anymore Dark Eldar in case anyone gets me anything for Christmas).
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Dark Eldar individual shots

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

Here are the requested individual shots. The squad is nearly finished just a few details left to do and then they are finished.

Well there they are comments welcome as always.
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Dark Eldar full squad

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

This is the armour plating done on the entire squad complete with off source lighting on the eyes, I'm glad people like the scheme and that is it suitably menacing.

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Xenos sympathising...

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

I recieved my Dark Eldar megaforce on Friday and finally I have had a chance to stick together and start work on a colour scheme so I thought I'd share what I have done so far.

Please let me know what you think.
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Assault marines continued

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

Here is the finished white/cream parts of the marines such as chest aquilas and shoulder pad iconography.

The way I do this is as follows:

1. Base coat with Khemri Brown
2. Wash Devlan Mud
3. Highlight with Khemri Brown
4. Highlight closer to the edgeswith bleached bone  leaving the Khemri brown showing
5. Highlight the very tips with skull white
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An apology

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

Sorry for not posting for the past few days been hectic at work (I work in retail and Christmas can get a bit much) and my other half has been home so I have spent time with her doing some Christmas shopping. I will be putting a few updates up today to quench your thirst though.
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