Demo Blog

Here's one I made earlier

by Darkenedsquire on Nov.22, 2009, under

Before I started this blog I bought two DC boxes and decided I would make them into fancy assault marines to see if it could be done. This was before I used army painter as a base coat and instead they're hand base coated over a Chaos black spray undercoat.

They have blue "Gems" on their armour to denote squad so I can pick out squads of assault marines easier from my carry case.

I'm a huge fan of the Dawn of War series and I loved how the jump packs glow so I decided to try to emulate that and this is the result I ended up with. I will be putting up stage by stage pics of how I did this once I get around to painting them on my current project (which as you can see in the background has received some brown onto the bits that will end up cream).

As a final note I would like to say thank you to Paul from for actually managing to supply me with the Dark Eldar megaforce I ordered. After hearing there where only 20 being made available to online retailers I started to worry but they came through for me and made it happen. So if you are in need of some models for yourself or Christmas presents for family and friends I highly suggest checking them out their customer service was excellent and their prices phenomenal.
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